All Saturdays of August _ 3p.jpg

Learn today

for a better tomorrow

We encouraged children to explore their curiosity and unique interests through immersive early childhood learning experiences, as they begin to develop important school readiness skills. Learn throughout lessons offer extensive opportunities for exploration, education, and skill development.

With the help of our exclusive digital lesson plan, teachers create customized curriculum, based on assessment and observation, to meet each child’s needs as they develop along 10 developmental scales.

Approaches to Learning

How to plan, set goals, and interact with others and with the environment.

Creative Arts

How to express ideas and feelings through music, movement, visual arts, and drama.


How to use expressive and receptive vocabulary and to use conversation skills and vocabulary to communicate effectively.


How to demonstrate phonological awareness, alphabet knowledge, reading, and writing skills.

Logic & Reasoning

How to sequence, solve problems, and develop symbolic and critical-thinking skills.

Early Math

How to understand numbers, patterns, sorting, and ordering, as well as how to use numbers to add, subtract, measure, and graph.

Nature & Science

How to understand the natural and physical world, as well as how to observe, describe, predict, and gather data.


Milestone: Gathering and presenting data.

Desired Outcome: Child participates in simple investigations to answer questions.

Social Studies

How to understand themselves, their families, communities, and their world.

Physical Development/Health

How to build fine and gross motor skills and to understand health and nutrition.

Social-Emotional Development

How to develop self-awareness and how to show respect and empathy for others.

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Music & Movement

Moving, dancing and singing help children to work on their physical coordination, while cooperating, communicating and having fun with others.

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Rhymes, sounds, letter recognition and formation, these are just some of the early writing and communication skills children build here.



Sorting and comparing leads to recognizing numbers and counting, as children discover early math concepts in our lessons.

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Observation and questioning skills are developed, as children engage in learning experiences about plants, animals, weather and the seasons.

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Listening, story comprehension and print awareness are some of the literacy skills that children will develop while working in our lessons.